The addiction machinery
mimics our life wheel system in a fatal microcosm. Its
components are so tightly matted that addiction is
really hard to come by. But real determination in all
people involved can do the trick! |
Addiction is a situation which potentially
touches all of our life's wheels, or rather it is its own
uncanny multiple-cogwheel machinery. Each of its wheels has the
potential of tugging at our well synchronized life wheels and
blocking them to a really serious degree.
We will use all our tools in resolving
addictions. To narrow down general principles to a specific situation (which will be highly
individual), we need to ask questions from all 8 corners of our
Life Wheel Diagram. We start at
the Body level and ask:
1. Is it a substance addiction?
Here we roughly
distinguish between substances that would be a vital part of a balanced
life if not derailed (food: guarantees survival from day to day;
sex and love hormones: guarantee the future for the species) -
or substances that hijack natural pleasure mechanisms by
tickling brain receptors originally designed to register
pleasure hormones released by the body (heroin, cocain,
nicotine, alcohol...)
A substance that the body does not need
for survival can simply be discontinued, which is painful but
possible. In this case, we will have to work with the medical
profession to organize a withdrawal program, and support that
with processing. If the addiction is about food or sex, something that the body
actually needs, it cannot be discontinued (client no longer
overeating? yeah great, but she starved to death...), and balancing it is a
much more tricky process. We will work out an individual program
of processing, make an intelligent plan to bring about a better
balance, and monitor its implementation.
In the case of overeating, this ties into
the Life Skill of nutrition, so
that a study program is necessary. Often the addiction is not
about food in general, but specifically about sugar, chocolate,
or a certain component of milk which can make for a dairy
product addiction. In these cases, the withdrawal pain is
relatively short. 3 days to stop a sugar/carbohydrate addiction
- after that the re-training is much easier.
What happened in the energy body?
The energy
body (see Spirit-Mind Interface)
can have developed intense wants, even cravings for the
sensations that the substance produces, which can go back into
past lives. These energies with their embedded thoughts and
decisions (located in the Mind) need to be erased with procedures from our
Character Clearing toolbox.
What happened to the Spirit?
If we assume that
a spiritual being is an offspring of God, then he has inherited
an enormous creative potential from his divine parent. What
happened to this creativity, the stream of inspirations wanting to be
put into music, painting, writing, sculptures, landscaping,
architecture - or simply into a
creative way of living life - life as an art form? On their way
into physical reality, how did his ideas get blocked so
thoroughly that a God-like creator finally stopped creating, and
now is hooked on some form of pleasure, which is very much an
obsessive inflow, the opposite of the powerful outflow of
Who blocked his creativity? Lifetimes of
defeat experiences, where at one point he decided that he will
never be able to express his very unique personality? Dominating parents
who trampled on every attempt at creating or even only
communicating? A
whole culture that is not compatible with the child's talents? The chances are high that we are looking at somebody
whose creative urges have been strangled to death. Here we are in
Character Clearing land, if we
don't find a single trauma at the root of the condition.
cultural mind (Morphic
Field) pictured above is hostile to the child
who is born into it. Spaces are opened
into the wrong directions (red, magenta). On the other
hand, he is given no
space for his personal talents and interests, even in areas
that would resonate with the cultural mind (yellow,
green). Only one tiny connection to the culture is allowed (magenta).
The child's most prominent features are massively
opposed by the culture's energy field. This could be a
family who wants all their children to become medical
doctors, or a big cultural field which enforces a
religion or a family form that is against the child's
nature, forces a female scientific talent into a housewife's role,
or forces a gentle young musician into a military
career. |
Many young people don't see
any future in the time and location into which they are
born. They may have authored a life screenplay, but they
are not given a stage to produce their movie - to make it happen in
physical reality. Creating such a movie stage - a place
to live, a job, an income to open up a way into the
future - either requires super-human efforts, or it is
entirely impossible. This often ends in an early death
by drugs that is preceded by a short life of
gut-wrenching hardship.
The parents of such kids, their
culture have forgotten everything about their spiritual
nature and the principles of incarnation,
they are living an animal existence where everybody
competes for sheer physical survival, the kids are
forced into old patterns rather than being given space
for their own ideas, their God-given creativity. (Such an environment is not competent
to bring up children, they need to be trained - or
replaced!) |
Is a motoric habit involved?
Typical examples would be
alcohol and cigarettes, where a chemical addiction is only part
of the problem. A withdrawal procedure can remove the painful
cravings in the body, but the habits of drinking with friends or
lighting a cigarette in certain situations are hardwired into
the small brain, the cerebellum (see
Body-Skills Interface), and have to be deleted from the
cerebellum by practicing "doing nothing" at such moments - or overwritten
with another, less harmful habit: chewing a pencil, drinking
water... NOT eat cookies, or we go right into the next harmful
Personal sessions can
reveal the decisions at the root of a drug
addiction and dissolve essential patterns in
the energy body,
but they cannot replace the weeks or months of practice which
are reqired for a changed motion pattern to re-write the small
brain, the cerebellum. |
Is it a non-substance addiction?
like shopping, gambling, TV or computer games have a different
structure, even though the withdrawal process may look similar.
But the spiritual, energy body, mind and cerebellum struggles
can be intense enough even without any chemical withdrawal pains.
Here we look at the Mind-Body
area. The mind is flooded by panic messages from the body that
essentials of life are missing or there is a serious threat present
which cannot be handled. Not enough space - the human animal
suffers from lack of territory - any mouse or fox has more
territory than many people! Unbearable noise levels. Overcrowded
conditions. No communication! No money! No sex! Nobody cares!
Mobbing at work, political dangers, natural disasters...
A mind which is so overwhelmed with alarm
signals that he cannot manage will finally ignore them all, turn
inside and concentrate on the one input channel where there is
pleasure - non-stop gameboy playing, watching TV soap operas all
day, social networks, internet chats, shopping,
gambling... The solution for this would be to upgrade essential
life skills like training for a better job, so that the person
can climb up the social ladder and afford better quality living.
Yet the addiction sabotages the focus on this and steals the
time from such job training. We are looking at a vicious circle
that is very difficult to break out of.
What happened in the Mind?
Often the addiction started as
a reaction to stress or a severe loss - death of a spouse or a
child or another beloved person -, or a substance or habit is used as a
substitute for something that is missing in life. Somewhere in
the career or in a private relationship there is a deficit so
serious that the pain has to be drowned by some really strong
pleasure. The decision to use a harmful substance or habit as a
source of pleasure can be deeply buried in layers of bitterness
and desperate emotions that need to be cleared away carefully.
Gala dinner of
world leaders. What are they drinking - water? |
Another link to inspect is the connection to a culture that
habitually engages in drug rituals and hypnotizes young people
into joining in. After some years, these rituals have been
hardwired into the small brain, the cerebellum, along with a
strong chemical addiction. This combination makes it
particularly impossible to stop, because the habit now appears to be "normal
It is especially fatal where there are
double standards like in our own culture: some drugs are
criminalized, others are socially accepted all the way up into
the highest political circles, the government even profits by
putting taxes on them. Something like that is a logical paradox,
which destroys a young person's capacity of logical thinking -
as a consequence, his decision making capability in the area of
drugs is compromised. Here too a form of Clearing is necessary,
which has to do with linking into what we call a group mind,
social mind, or Morphic Field (not covered in detail on
this website - have a look at the corresponding page in the
Life Lesson Processing site.)
The opposite can also happen:
Some teenager
lives with dominating parents who furiously chastise him for his
adventurous way of exploring life. They forbid crazy hairdos,
they forbid going out with
friends, they forbid girls, a beer - they forbid more or less
everything. He revolts wherever he can, does the exact opposite
of what they want him to do, tries cigarettes, tries hashish,
heroin, blunders into alcohol excesses - and gets entangled in a
purely chemical addiction, a trap that he cannot escape anymore,
especially when his friends have been caught in the same trap.
Such parents deny their kid the leadership
that kids need: caring, but with patience and tolerance. The kid
never has a chance to fathom the limits of the things he is
curious about. He has nobody to talk about them, nobody who
allows him his experiments, but pulls him back when he runs into
a danger. The young spirit's Earth guides are not with him, they
are against him - at a time where he is supposed to have
guidance, he is on his own. He will need a lot of processing and
coaching later in life, when he is standing on his own feet and
can clean up his non-optimum early years.
He is losing
money big time. The addiction is totally
corrupting his financial management skill.
Health and time management are the other two
essential life skills which are destroyed by
addictions. |
7. What about the corresponding
Life Skills?
combination of thought routin es stored in the mind, energetic
cravings stored in the energy body, chemical cravings generated
by the body and motion
routines stored in the cerebellum results in habitual activity
patterns. Opening the bottle, lighting the cigarette, stuffing
down the cake, swallowing the tablet, switching on the TV,
the computer or the video console - these things are no longer
looked upon and decided about in present time, they just "happen",
or rather "have to happen". Sometimes they seriously erode
essential life skills: health management, time management,
financial management can be sabotaged not only a little, but
sometimes to a critical degree. A life skill coach will have a
hard time highlighting the loss of health, money or valuable
working or family
time in the perception of a person so conditioned to see
such an perpetuous energy leak as "normal" - if the
coach is allowed into the scene at all, since
an addict will probably defend his addiction ferociously and
keep everybody out of his life.
How about Polarization/Fixation?
If there is absolutely no causativeness left in the person and he
is totally at effect of a drug or habit (rather than using the
drug or habit as a recreational activity between bouts of
productive action), we are looking at a very high level of polarization,
Fixation Processing may have an
answer. But it is very likely that any processing is too
ambitious an approach. It may work better to bring the person
into an environment where he can take care of something (plants,
animals), and slowly return to a more causative position.